Biseshwori Thongam
Designation/Position: Scientist –E
Department/Programme Name: Plant Systematic and Conservation Laboratory
Phone: 0385-2446122, Ext: NA
Academic Qualifications
1998 – 2003 PhD (Plant Taxonomy) Kumaun University, Nainital, UP, India
1996 – 1998 M.Sc. Botany (Plant Taxonomy & Ecology) Kumaun University, Nainital, UP, India
1992 – 1996 B.Sc. in Botany (Honours) Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, India
2019 to till date Scientist – E
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD)
2013 to 2018 Scientist – D (Plant Taxonomy)
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD)
2008 - 2013 Scientist – C (Plant Taxonomy)
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD)
2003 – 2008 Scientist – B (Plant Taxonomy)
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD)
2001 – 2003 Junior Project Fellow.
Department of Botany, Kumaun University, Nainital
1998 – 2001 Junior Research Fellow.
Department of Botany, Kumaun University, Nainital
Awards & Fellowships
1. Awarded as Young Botanist of 1996 -1997 by Young Botanist Association of Kumaun University, Nainital.
2. Junior Research Fellow in research area “Taxonomic studies on the family Lamiaceae ( labiatae non. alt.) in West Himalayas of India” Kumaun University, Nainital Oct.1998 -March 2001
3. Junior Project Fellow in research area “Studies on the Phenology and Conservation Ecology of Rare and Endemic Palm species of Kumaun, Himalaya- Trachycarpus takil Becc” Department of Botany Kumaun University, Nainital April 2001- July 2003.
Memberships (Professional Associations / Societies)
1. Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT)
2. International Society of Plant Morphologists
3. State Medicinal Plant Board, Manipur
4. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources (Communicated)
5. Member in the Advisory Board of the NeBIO Newsletter.
6. Member in the state level steering committee for the implementation of National Mission on Medicinal Plants(NMMP), Government of Manipur.
PhD’s Guided
• Dr. Neeta Sarangthem, 2015 Molecular Phylogenetic and Diversity Analysis of Hedychium Koenig (Zingiberaceae) of North East India, Gauhati University, Assam.
• Dr. Sagolshem Asharani Devi, 2016, Diversity Study and Analysis of Nutrient and Fragrance of Water-Lily (Nymphaea) in Manipur, Gauhati University, Assam.
• Dr. Chanchal Chongtham, 2016 Characterisation of Piper species of Manipur for its potential economic uses, Gauhati University, Assam.
Specialized Training
1. Training for one year DBT Overseas Associateship in University of Kansas,USA 31ST Jan, 2014-6th Feb, 2015.
2. Undergone Intensive Training in Biodiversity Informatics and Biogeography at University of Kansas, Lawrence, 3rd– 6th February, 2015.
3. 2016: Participate Workshop on Agricultural Sciences, DBT Women Scientist programme from 4 – 10th September, at Clare College, Cambridge, UK.
1. Research theme photo
Exploratory field survey at Willong, Senapati District, Manipur
2. Verticals involved
Plant Bioresources Program
3. Research Area/Research Expertise
• Plant Systematics and Conservation
4. Research Summary
A. Current Research:
Sl. No |
Title |
Description |
Photo |
1. |
Cataloguing, documentation of the potential bio-resources, mapping their geographical distribution, quantitative estimation of their natural population and sustainable utlilization are priority activity with emphasis given on Gingers, underutilized and Wild edible plants (WEPs).
On this theme, main concern iis given to indigenous, endemic and prospective plants giving emphasis to Zingiberaceae of eco-rich North East region of India. The lab endeavour to explore the knowledge of ethno as well as commercial of prospective plants for sustainable exploitation base on management and conservation of the resources. |
2 |
Molecular characterization and Phylogenetic study of Prunus species of North East India |
Collection, identification and Molecular characterization of Prunus species collected from different regions of North East India. Phytochemical screening, Estimation of total phenolic, total flavonoid content and total ascorbic acid shall also be studied.
3 |
Characterization and economic evaluation of rattans of Manipur |
Survey, collection, identification of rattans of Manipur. Morphological and Molecular characterization of the collected rattan species using molecular markers. |
B. Previous Notable Research:
Sl. No |
Title |
Description |
Photo |
1. |
Survey, collection, documentation and taxonomic evaluation with molecular, biochemical studies; sustainable utilization of potential and important bioresources; characterization and conservation of the endemic species of Manipur |
PSCL has made a collection of 16 genera and 80 species of Zingiberaceae with 8 endemic to Manipur. Out of the total collection, 23 species of Zingiberaceae are new records of Manipur. New species reported till present are: 1. Z. pheriamense Biseshwori & Bipin (2014), 2. Z .caudatum Biseshwori & Bipin (2018), 3.Caulokaempferia dinabandhuana Biseshwori & Bipin (2017), 4. Nymphaea manipurensis Asharani & Biseshwori (2014), 5. Nymphaea manipurensis var. versicolor Asharani & Biseshwori (2014). 6. Impatiens deflexuspetalum Biseshwori & Bipin, 2018 7. Impatiens rubrum Biseshwori & Bipin, 2018 New Records of India from Manipur: 1. Globba sherwoodiana W.J. Kress & V. Gowda, 2. Zingiber kerrii Craib |
2. |
Assessment of antioxidant activity of selected wild leafy vegetables (WLVs) of Manipur
Indigenous leafy vegetables are rich source of phenolic compounds and other phytochemicals contributing to antioxidant activity in the diet. Amongst the WLVs tested in lab, Clerodendrum colebrookianum has the best antioxidant property followed by Exbucklandia populnea , Rhynchotechum ellipticum and Gnaphalium indicum |
3. |
Complete nucleotide sequencing of chloroplast genome of Chenopodium species collected from Manipur |
Chenopodium album was collected from Purul, Senapati district, Manipur and Chloroplast DNA was isolated for whole genome sequencing using modified protocol of Shi et al. (2012)
4. |
Comparative studies of Shirui lily and Dzuko lily and exploration of its habitat status for conservation and sustainable development
Genetic diversity of of Shirui lily and Dzuko lily were assessed using ISSR primers. |
A. Research Articles (Peer Reviewed, Only authorized publishers)
1. Biseshwori T, Bipin K and Dinabandhu S (2019). Impatiens deflexipetalum (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Manipur, India. Ann. Bot. Fennici 56: 35-40.
2. Biseshwori T, Bipin K and Dinabandhu S (2018). Impatiens rubra (Balsaminaceae), a New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, Northeastern India. J. Jpn. Bot. (In press).
3. Biseshwori T and Bipin K (2018). A new species of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) from Northeast India. J. Jpn. Bot. 93 (1): 31-36.
4. Biseshwori Tand Bipin K (2017). A new species of Caulokaempferia (Zingiberaceae) from Manipur, India. J. Jpn. Bot. 92 (2): 82-86.
5. Surjata K, Arun K. H, Biseshwori T (2018): Nutritional evaluation of some unexplored Wild leafy vegetables (WLVs) of Manipur, an Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot (Northeast India). Brazilian Journal of Botany M.S.No: IJFANS A0862.
6. Sanjeet K, Puyam D. S., Huidrom S. D, Biseshwori T, Bharat G. S. and Sunil S. T., (2018): Cymbidium dayanum Rchb.f., and Cymbidium sinense (Jacks.) Willd. (Orchidaceae): Two new additions to the orchid wealth of Manipur, India. Journal of Richardiana. Vol. 2. ISSN 2262-9017.
7. Rajkumari J, D. & Biseshwori T. (2017) Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Chenopodium ablum from Northeast India. American Society for Biology.
8. Surjata K, Biseshwori T, and Arun K. H. (2016). Assessment of wild leafy vegetables traditionally consumed by ethnic communities of Manipur, northeast India. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:9 DOI 10.1186/s13002-016-0080-4 (IF: 2.00)
9. Ningombam, D.S., Devi, S.P., Singh, P.K., Pinokiyo, A. and Thongam, B. (2014). Documentation and Assessment on Knowledge of EthnoMedicinal Practitioners: A Case Study on Local Meetei Healers of Manipur. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) e-ISSN: 2278-3008, p-ISSN:2319-7676. Volume 9, Issue 1 Ver. I (Jan. 2014), PP 53-70 www.iosrjournals.org
10. Sagolsem Asharani D., Biseshwori T. and Pratap J, H., (2016). Multivariate analysis of Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae) taxa in Manipur (India) through morphological variables. Brazilian Journal of Botany March 2016, Volume 39, Issue 1,pp 359-366. (IF: 0.648)
11. Biseshwori T., and Bipin K., (2014). A new species of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) from Nagaland, India. Phytotaxa 178 (3): 221-224. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.178.3.9 (IF: 1.376)
12. Sagolsem Asharani D. and Biseshwori T., (2014). Two new taxa of Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae) from Manipur, India. Phytotaxa 188 (2): 112-117. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.188.2.5 (IF: 1.376)
13. Sagolsem A. D.,, Biseshwori T, P. J. H., (2014). Nymphaea rubra Roxb. Ex Andrews cultivated as an ornamental, food and vegetable in the North Eastern region of India. Genetic resources and crop evolution. DOI10.1007/s10722-014-0177-3. (IF:1.482)
14. Chongtham C., Biseshwori T., P. J. H., (2014). Morphological diversity and characterization of some of the wild Piper species of North East India. Genetic resources and crop evolution.DOI10.1007/s10722-014-0172-8 (IF: 1.482)
15. Neeta S., N.C.T., Biseshwori T, (2012). “Collection and evaluation of Hedychium species of Manipur Northeast India”. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution: doi. 10.1007/s10722-012-9810-1.
16. Lokesh Deb, Kh. Romesh S. K. Bipin S., Biseshwori T., (2011): Some Ethno – Medicinal plants used by the native practitioners of Chandel District, Manipur, India. International Research Journal of Pharmacy 2(12), 199 -200.
17. Biseshwori T., Neeta S., Bipin K., (2011). “Globba schomburgkii Hook (Zingiberaceae) – A new record from Manipur, North East India”. Folia malaysiana Vol.12 (1)2011:39-42.
18. Biseshwori T., K. B, Kh. R., M. Rohinikumar S., (2009). “Etlingera linguiformis (Roxb.) R.M. Sm. (Zingiberaceae) – A new record from Manipur, North East India.” Folia malaysiana Vol.10 (1) 2009: 11 -16.
19. Biseshwori T., and Rohinikumar S,. 2008. “Boesenbergia longiflora (Wall.) Kuntze: A new record for Manipur, Northeast, India”. Folia malaysiana Vol.9(2)2008: 125 – 128.
20. Biseshwori T., Brajakishore C., K. B., Kh. Romesh S., R.K. M., Rajesh S.2007. “Kashi – A Wild edible fruit eaten by the inhabitant of Purul village of Senapati district of Manipur.” Journal of North East Foods. Vol.7 (I&II) Oct. 2007.
21. Brajakishore C., Biseshwori T., Bipin K., Romesh K and Surjit N.2007. “A Short report on Saikot plant and its close related species”. Journal of North East Foods .Vol.7 (I&II) Oct. 2007.
Group Members (Details):
1. |
Name: N Mekrini Jennifer Ph.D-JRF (Core) Email: nelimijen@gmail.com Problem: Molecular characterization and Phylogenetic study of Prunus species of North East India Expected Outcome: Formulating a baseline for further studies in establishing evolutionary relationships and conservation of germplasm and evaluation of potential edible species in terms of biochemical content for use in ethnomedicine. |
2. |
Name: Dimjaneng Haokip Ph.D-JRF (Core) Email: didimhaokip7@gmail.com Problem: Characterization and economic evaluation of rattans of Manipur Expected Outcome: The study would help in distribution patterns of rattans and also it economic importance. |
3. |
Name: Konsam Bipin Designation: Technical Assistant (Contract) IBSD Core Email: mikado_konsam@rediffmail.com
4. |
Name: Soram Rajesh Singh Designation: Technician II (Core) IBSD Core Email: rajeshsoram@gmail.com |
5. |
Name: Mayengbam Aldrin Designation: Laboratory Assistant (Contract) IBSD Core Email: maldrin2012@gmail.com |
6. |
Name: Peimichon Langkan Designation: Outreach Programme Executive (Outsource) Email: apeilangkan637@gmail.com Working on: Study on Socio-Economic condition of Women vendors in Ima Keithel |
7. |
Name: Dr Rajkumari Jashmi Devi Designation: RA Email: rajkumjas@gmail.com Working on: Quantitative assessment and mapping of plant diversity and biological resources in Manipur |
8. |
Name: Deepashree khuraijam Designation: JRF Email: deepashreekhuraijam@gmail.com Working on: Quantitative assessment and mapping of plant diversity and biological resources in Manipur |
9. |
Name: Sunanda Keisham Designation: JRF Email: keishamsunanda@gmail.com Working on: Quantitative assessment and mapping of plant diversity and biological resources in Manipur |
10. |
Name: Wakambam Rahul Designation: Field Assistant (DBT Project) Email: rahul.wakambam123@gmail.com
11. |
Name: Ahanthem Ronil Kumar Designation: JRF (DBT Project) Email: ronilahanthem123@gmail.com Working on: Integrative Taxonomic Analysis for Assessment of Diversity and Phylogenetic Relationships among Gingers (Zingiberaceae) and Prunus from Northeast Region |
12. |
Name: Thangjam Roshima Devi Designation: JRF (DBT Project) Email: throshima@gmail.com Working on: Integrative Taxonomic Analysis for Assessment of Diversity and Phylogenetic Relationships among Gingers (Zingiberaceae) and Prunus from Northeast Region |
13. |
Name: Joyshree Kshetrimayum Designation: JRF (DBT Project) Email: joyshreekshetrimayum@gmail.com Working on: Development of Captive Farming, Sustainable Harvest Technologies, Integration with Plantation Programme and agroforestry, and value addition by IBSD in Manipur/ Nagaland targeted Bioresources: Gingers and Xanthoxylum |
14. |
Name: Jennifer Yumnam Designation: JRF (DBT Project) Email: jennifer_yumnam@yahoo.com Working on : Development of Captive Farming, Sustainable Harvest Technologies, Integration with Plantation Programme and agroforestry, and value addition by IBSD in Manipur/ Nagaland targeted Bioresources: Gingers and Xanthoxylum |
15. |
Name: Khundrakpam Sadananda Singh Designation: Project Fellow (DBT Project) Email: sadanandakh@gmail.com Working on: Life cycle Cryo-preservation of orchids for bio-resources conservation and sustainable development |
16. |
Name: Lourembam Lalitkanta Singh Designation: Field Assistant (Outsourced) Email: |
Previous Members (Alumni) |
1. |
Name: Konsam Surjata Devi Email: surjata@gmail.com Worked on: “Evaluation of some selected wild edible plants (WEPs) of Manipur for nutritional components, dietary antioxidants and their molecular characterization” Currently working at: NIL |
2. |
Name: Maibam Beebina Chanu Email: chanu1304@gmail.com Worked on – summary: “Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of antidiabetic plants used by traditional healers in Manipur” Currently working at: NIL |
A. Core/Internal
a. Present:
Sl. No. |
Duration (From-To) |
Title of Project/ Grant |
PI/Co-PI |
Funding Agency |
1. |
26 th July to till date |
Collection, characterisation, evaluation and conservation of medicinal, aromatic and horticultural plant resources of the Indian region of the Indo Burma biodiversity hotspot for sustainable development and utilization
b. Past:
Sl. No. |
Duration (From-To) |
Title of Project/ Grant |
PI/Co-PI |
Funding Agency |
1. |
2017 to 2019 |
Life Cycle Cryopreservatioin of Orchids for Bioresources Conservation and Sustainable Development. |
PI |
2. |
2017 to 2019 |
Exploration and inventories as means to strengthen taxonomy, biodiversity science and monitoring in Northeast India. |
PI |
3. |
2017 to 2019 |
Technology Demonstration for Hybrid Dendrobium Cutflower Production at Farmers Field in Manipur for Bio-Entrepreneurship Development |
PI |
4. |
2017 to 2019 |
Exploration of plant diversity in underexplored areas of Manipur and Nagaland: Inventory, Conservation of threatened & endemic plants field germplasm bank and bioprospection of selected taxa for using as bioresources. |
PI |
B. Extramural:
a. Present:
Sl. No. |
Duration (From-To) |
Title of Project/ Grant |
PI/Co-PI |
Funding Agency |
1. |
29/03/ 18 to 28/03/21 |
Bioresources & Sustainable Livelihoods in Northeast India |
PI |
Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India |
2. |
2/01/18 to 1/01/21 |
Sustainable management of bioresources through biotechnological interventions of Shiroi Hills and adjacent areas, Manipur. |
PI |
Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, North Eastern Council |
b. Past:
Sl. No. |
Duration (From-To) |
Title of Project/ Grant |
PI/Co-PI |
Funding Agency |
1. |
29/09/2006 to 29/09/ 2010 |
Mapping and Quantitative Assessment of Geographic Distribution and Population Status of Plant Resources of Eastern Himalayan Region.
PI |
Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India |
2. |
29/09/2006 to 30/11/2008 |
Multilocation field trial of Curcuma longa var. lakadong under various agroclimatic zones of Northeast India for ascertaining factors influencing curcumin content. |
PI |
Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India |