Lokesh Deb
Lokesh Deb, M.Pharma., Ph.D.
Designation/Position: Scientist-D
Department/Programme Name: Medicinal Plants and Horticultural Resources Division
Phone: 0359-2232804
Academic Qualifications
• 2009-2018, Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Sciences), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
• 2003-2005, M. Pharma. (Pharmacology), Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
2020-till date, Scientist – D (Pharmacology), IBSD-Sikkim Centre, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim, India
2013-2019, Scientist – C (Pharmacology), IBSD (Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India), Imphal, Manipur.
2014-2014, DBT-Associateship, MD Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas, Houston, USA
2008-2013, Scientist – B (Pharmacology), IBSD (Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India), Imphal, Manipur.
2007-2008, Senior Lecturer, R. K. Pharmacy College, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
2005-2007, Lecturer & Researcher, B. R. Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur. Madhya Pradesh, India
2003-2003, Lecturer, M. M. J. G College of Pharmacy, Laxmeshwar, Karnataka, India
Awards & Fellowships
2014, Best Research Paper Award, published in Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research 2013; 3(3):135-45
2012, Biotechnology Overseas Associateship Award, Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi
2011, Young Scientist Awarded Paper, in Pharmanext national conference at Shimla during 25-27 June
2006, Green pharmacy Award for best Oral Presentation in 2nd National, 28-29 October
Memberships (Professional Associations / Societies)
1. Life Member of The International Society for Ethnopharmacology (ISE), UK
2. Life Member of The Biotech Research Society, India [BRSI]
3. Life member of Indian Pharmacological Society. (IPS/LD-132)
4. Life member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI-MP/LM-069).
5. Life member of Indian Pharmacy Graduates’ Association (IPGA/Im - 3612)
6. Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA/L14211)
7. Life Member of Association of Community Pharmacists of India (R) (ACPI/TP-LM-01)
8. Life Member of Laboratory Animal Science Association of India (LASAI/L-569)
9. Life Member of Association of Pharmacy Professionals (APP/MN/LM-001/12)
10. Life member of Vijnana Bharati, New Delhi, India (VIBHA/1251)
Journal/Academic Editors
As a Guest Editor
‘Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity’ (ISSN: 1942-0994) Hindawi (IF – 3.516)
As an Associate Editor
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical research (ISSN- 0975-1491)
As an Editorial Board Member
1. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources (NISCIR) ISSN: 0976-0512 (Online); 0976-0504 (Print).
2. International Journal of Chemistry Research (ISSN: 0976-5689)
3. Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology (ISSN: 2320 – 3471(Online) & 2321 5674 (Print).
4. Pharmaceutical and Biosciences Journal (ISSN: 2347-9442)
Specialized Training
1. Completed R & D training on General techniques of animal cell and tissue Culture, SRB, MTT, Cyto-toxicity test etc. under Dr. A. K. Balapure, Head Tissue & Cell Culture Unit, Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, from 01st September, 2008 to 12th September, 2008 Sponsored by IBSD, (DBT, Govt of India), Takyelpat, Imphal, Manipur.
2. Completed a training workshop on Basic Statistics and It's Application organized by Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD) (An autonomous institute under Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India) Takyelpat Institutional Area, Imphal - 795001. Manipur, INDIA during 16th -21st August, 2010 at Conference hall, IBSD, Imphal.
3. Completed a hands-on training in the use of HPLC and HPTLC for quantification of bioactive natural product from crude extract or biological samples, organized by Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore during 6th -9th April, 2012 at Quality Control Department, NRPL, Veerasandra Industrial area, Bangalore - 560100.
4. Completed a Basic course on flow cytometry and hand-on training for the use of FACS Aria system, organized by Center for Cellular & Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP), Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, Bangalore during 10th -13th April, 2012 at C-CAMP, NCBS-TIFR, GKVK, Bellary road, Bangalore - 560065.
5. Participated in the 'CPCSEA Eastern Zonal Workshop' on Laboratory Animal Experimentation organized by Committee for the Purpose of control and supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, 8th Floor Jeevan Prakash Building, 25, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi on 4th May, 2012 at R. G. Kar Medical College, Kolkata, India.
6. Participated in the 'Science and Communication Workshop' organized by Wellcometrust - DBT (Govt. of India), INDIA ALLIANCE during 25th -26th July, 2012 at Classic Hotel, Imphal
7. Attended a pre-seminar workshop on prevention & management of Diabetes: Prospects & Challenges organised by Asian Network of research on anti-diabetic Plants (ANRAP) at RG Kar Medical College, Kolkata, India on 14th September, 2012.
8. Completed a Trainers training on "Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants", organized by Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Boriavi (ICAR), Anand, Gujarat and National Medicinal Plants Board, New Delhi during 25th - 29th September, 2012 at DMAPR, Anand, Gujarat
9. Completed Biotechnology Overseas Associateship programme in Cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutic, The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, 1901 East Road, UNIT -1950 Houston, Texas 77054-6010, USA on the research Topic: “Targeting inflammatory pathways and mediators, expressed under used of dietary, traditional medicine and nutraceutical for prevention and therapy of arthritis and cancer” during February 3 to July 28, 2014.
Other Achievements
1. Appointed as Scientific Session Chairperson in 7th International congress of Society for Ethnopjharmacology, India held at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi during February 15-17, 2020.
2. Appointed as Sikkim State Coordinator for Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) 2019-2020 program.
3. Appointed as a ‘Micro Observer’ for Parliamentary General Election-2019 and Assembly Election of Sikkim-2019.
4. Since 2012, CPCSEA, Animal Welfare Division, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, 8th Floor Jeevan Prakash Building, 25, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi nominated as Link Nominee for Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC), Regional Institute of Medical Science, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur - 795001 for monitoring animal experimentation.
5. Appointed as Scientific Session Chairperson in 12th International Congress of Ethnopharmacology on “Traditional Medicine and Globalization – The Future of Ancient Systems of Medicine” organized by School of Natural Product Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India at Science City, Kolkata during 17th -19th February, 2012.
Research theme photo
Verticals involved
Phytopharmaceutical Mission
Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology & Drug Discovery
3. Research Area/Research Expertise
The Cross Culture Ethnophamacological Research & Drug Discovery
Pharmacological & Toxicological Evaluation of Traditional Medicine of North-East India
Evaluation of mechanism of action of traditional medicines for Anti-arthritic potential.
Evaluation of mechanism of action of traditional medicines for metabolic disorders.
Evaluation of mechanism of action of traditional medicines for Anti-hypertensive potential.
Evaluation of mechanism of action of traditional medicines for Anti-cancer potential.
4. Research Summary
A. Current Research:
Ethno-pharmacological survey and documentation of Sikkim Traditional/Folklore Heath Care Practices: The 1st phase cross cultural Ethnopharmacological survey on Traditional/ Folklore Heath Care Practices has also been completed in East, South and West Sikkim districts of Sikkim state, India. During the survey all together fourteen traditional practitioners in three districts, which belong to six different ethnic communities were interviewed. The record of traditional knowledge on 53 different formulations used for 24 different ailments was enacted from this survey. One hundred and fifty-six different plant products, 7 animal products and 6 different organic/inorganic matters were found to be used as component of formulations.
Figure: Traditional health care practitioners of Sikkim sharing their traditional knowledge with ethnopharmacological survey team of IBSD-Sikkim Centre, Gangtok; 1. Shri Dwari Lal Rai, of Rolep, Lamaten, Sikkim East; 2. Shri Nar Bahadur Limboo, Thumki, Uttarey, Sikkim West; 3. Shri Kashi Ram Giri of Sang Nazitam, Sikkim East.
Pharmacological and toxicological evaluation of Manipur & Sikkim Traditional Medicine (MTM) used for treatment of joint pain with an aim to develop commercially viable anti-arthritic products: The pharmacological evaluation of modified and optimized MTM formulations including IBSD’s Anti-arthritic formulations was investigated in details for their effectiveness using Complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) induced arthritis in rats to justify traditional claim. The formulations were also evaluated for phyto-chemical contents (GCMS) to identified active constituents responsible for anti-arthritic effect. In continuation of research on anti-inflammatory agents, the components for anti-arthritic formulation (IBSD/PC/AAF/1-Bater-Hidak) extracted and optimized from local bioresoources of Sikkim. The anti-arthritic formula ‘Bater-Hidak’ has been reformulated in nine different combinations and dose levels (AAF-1 to AAF-9). Out of those nine, four formulations (AAF-1, AAF-2, AAF-8 and AAF-9) and one base component (CTO) have been studied for in-vivo anti-arthritic activity using 'Complete Freund's Adjuvant' induced arthritis model on rats. Further, those selected formulation were analyses for phytochemical contains using GCMS and a ‘Phyto-Pharmacological relationship’ has been established from pharmacological and phytochemical evaluation outcomes.
Figure: Anti-arthritic formulation developed in IBSD, Imphal.
Evaluation of Manipur & Sikkim Traditional Medicine for Anti-diabetic property with special reference to the ?-Glucosidase, ?-amylase inhibition and Glucose-6-phosphatase Activity (Metabolic Disorders): After having generated a large database, our initial focus was for pharmacological evaluation of selected bioresources for their effectiveness against diabetes as claimed by the local healers. Accordingly, the hydro alcoholic extract (HA-Tn) of Tupistra nutans (Nakima) inflorescences (IBSD-SC/EPS/IP/2016/12; Acc. No. 0298) were evaluated for in-vivo anti-diabetic potential by using STZ induced model in rats. The in-vitro ?-Glucosidase inhibition assay were also carried out and ?-amylase inhibition as well as Glucose-6-phosphatase Activity assays are under investigation to establish the mechanism of action of sample.
Research Articles (Peer Reviewed, Only authorized publishers) – Recent First
Mahapatra M, Gurung B, Somkuwar BG, Thorat SS, Rai B, Kumar P, Deb L (2021). Perspectives of traditional health care system of Sikkim, North-East India – an ethno-pharmacological survey and documentation. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IF-1.00). MS.No. TK-3007 (accepted on June 16, 2021 for October 2021 issue).
Wangkheirakpam S D, Joshi DD, Leishangthem GD, Biswas D, Deb L (2018). Hepatoprotective Effect of Auricularia delicate (Agaricomycetes) from India in Rats: Biochemical and Histopathological Studies and Antimicrobial Activity. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 20(3): 213–225. doi: 10.1615/IntJMedMushrooms.2018025886, (IF-1.423). PubMed ID - 29717667
Deb L, Surbala L, Nongalleima Kh, Dhaneshwor N, Singh NS, Dey A, Singh MD, Talukdar NC, Tombi Raj N (2015) Past, present and perspectives of Manipur Traditional Medicine: A major health care system available for rural population in the North –East India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 169: 387-400, (IF- 3.41). PubMed ID - 25895884
Chanda S, Deb L, Tiwari RK, Singh K, Ahmad S (2015). Gastroprotective mechanism of Paederia foetida Linn. (Rubiaceae) – A popular edible plant used by the tribal community of North-East India. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 15: 304. DOI 10.1186/s12906-015-0831-0, (IF- 2.479). PubMed ID - 26335308
Paul P, Roy S, Sarkar S, Chowdhury S, Purkayastha RND , Raghavaiah P, McArdle P, Deb L, Sarangthem Indira Devi (2015). Synthesis, structure and some properties of a manganese (II) benzoate containing diimine, Journal of Molecular Structure 1102, 153-160, (IF- 2.120).
Sheikh Y, Maibam BC, Biswas D, Surbala L, Deb L, Talukdar NC, Borah JC(2015) Anti-diabetic potential of selected ethno-medicinal plants of north east India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 171: 37–41, (IF- 3.41). PubMed ID - 26023028
Mahadevan C, Jaleel A, Deb L, Thomas G, Sakuntala M (2015). Development of an Efficient Virus Induced Gene Silencing Strategy in the Non-Model Wild Ginger-Zingiber zerumbet and Investigation of Associated Proteome Changes. PLOS ONE 10(4): e0124518 (1-17). doi:10.1371/journal.pone,.0124518, (IF- 2.77). PubMed ID - 25918840
Laishram S, Sheikh Y, Moirangthem DS, Deb L, Pal BC, Talukdar NC, Borah JC (2014). Anti-diabetic molecules from Cycas pectinata Griff. Traditionally used by the Maiba-Maibi. Phytomedicine 22: 23–26, (IF- 4.180). PubMed ID - 25636866
Das B, Dey A, Talukdar AD, Nongalleima Kh., Choudhury MD, Deb L (2014). Antifertility efficacy of Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Smith on female Wister albino rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology; 153: 424–429, (IF- 3.41). PubMed ID - 24607496
Sakthivel G., Dey A, Nongalleima Kh., Chavali M, Isaac RRS, Singh NS, Deb L (2013). In-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of Poly-herbal formulation against Russell’s viper and Cobra Venom and screening of bioactive components by docking studies. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 781216, 1-12, (IF-2.01). PubMed ID - 23533518
Sobhan PK, Seervi M, Deb L, Varghese S, Soman A, Joseph J, Mathew KA, Raghu G, Thomas G, Sreekumar E, Manjula S, Santhoshkumar T.R. (2013). Calpain and Reactive Oxygen Species Targets BAX for Mitochondrial Permeabilisation and Caspase Activation in Zerumbone Induced Apoptosis: An Essential role for BAX in zerumbone induced cell death, PLOS ONE, 8(4); e59350 (1-13). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059350, (IF- 2.77). PubMed ID - 23593137
Deb L, Dutta A (2012). Evaluation of Mechanism for Antihypertensive Action of Clerodendrum Colebrookianum Walp., used by Folklore Healers in North-East India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 143; 207–212, (IF- 3.41). PubMed ID - 22732729
Deb L, Dutta A (2013), Comparative toxicological evaluation of two medicinal plants used by folklore practitioners of north-east India for treatment of Hypertension. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2013.821821, (IF- 1.059).
Nongalleima Kh, Singh TD, Dey A, Deb L, Devi S (2013), Optimization of surface sterilization protocol, induction of axillary shoots regeneration in Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Sm. as affected by season, Biological Rhythm Research, DOI: 10.1080/09291016.2013.818196, (IF- 0.773).
Jain A, Soni M, Deb L, Jain A, Rout SP, Gupta VB, Krishna KL (2008) Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Momordica dioica Roxb. Leaves. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 115: 61 -66, (IF- 3.41). PubMed ID - 20306358
Jarald EE, Edwin S, Saini V, Deb L, Gupta VB, Wate SP, Busari KP (2008) Anti-inflammatory, Anthelmintic and Antimicrobial Activity of Solanum Kharianum Clarke. Natural Product Research, 22 (3): 269 – 274, (IF 1.999). PubMed ID - 18266159
Edwin S, Jarald EE., Deb L, Jain A, Kinger H, Dutt KR, Raj AA (2008) Wound Healing and Antioxidant Activity of Achyranthes aspera Linn. Pharmaceutical Biology, 46(12): 824-828, (IF: 2.492). PubMed ID - 22480137
Jain S, Jain A, Deb L, Dutt KR, Jain DK (2010). Evaluation of anti-fertility activity of Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linn) R. Br. Leaves in rats. Natural Product Research, 24 (9): 855–860, (IF-1.999). PubMed ID - 20306358
Biswas D, Yoganandam GP, Dey A, Deb L (2013). Evaluation of antimicrobial and wound healing potentials of ethanol extract leaves of Wedelia biflora (linn.) D.C. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 75(2):156-161. (IF- 0.338). PubMed ID - 24019563
Deb L, Dey A, Sakthivel G, Bhattamishra SK, Dutta A (2012). Protective Effect of Clerodendrum Colebrookianum Walp., on Acute and Chronic Inflammation in Rats. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 45(4): 39 - 43. (IF- 1.04). PubMed ID -24014914
Deb L, Dutta A, 2012. Pharmacognostical evaluation and establishment of quality parameters of medicinal plants used in North-East Indian traditional medicine for treatment of hypertension, Pharmacognosy Journal; 4 (27): 30-37. https://doi.org/10.5530/pj.2012.27.5
Deb L, Dutta A, (2013). Evaluation of Mechanism for Antihypertensive Action of Prunus persica (L.,) Batsch used by Folklore Healers in North-East India. Plant Archives. 13(2): 655-664.
Group Members (Details):
1. | Miss. Bhumika Gurung, Project Assistant, IBSD Core Email: bhumikagurung92@gmail.com Working on documentation of Sikkim Traditional Health Care Practices. | |
Previous Members (Alumni) | ||
1. | Dr. (Mrs.) Khumukcham Nongalleima, JRF& SRF, DBT funded Project and STA, IBSD Core Email: nongalleima108@gmail.com Worked on - Optimization of surface sterilization protocol, induction of axillary shoots regeneration in Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Sm. as affected by season Currently working at: North East Institute of Science and Technology – CSIR, Jorhat, Assam as a Research Associate. | |
2 | Dr. Amitabha Dey, JRF& SRF, DBT funded Project Email: amitabhadeyster@gmail.com Worked on – Isolation and identification of bioactive phyto-constitutes from Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Sm. for prevention/therapy of Rheumatoid arthritis. Currently working at: Abbott India Ltd, 16th Floor, Godrej BKC Plot-C, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400051 | |
3. | Mr. N. Surjit Singh, Project assistant, NMPB funded project Email: surjitpharma@gmail.com Worked on- outreach activities under the Facilitation centre on Medicinal Plant for commercial cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants of Manipur and public awareness Currently working at: Pharmacovigilance Center, Pharmacology Department, Regional Institute of Medical Science (RIMS), Imphal as a Technical Associate. | |
4. | Mr. Dipak Biswas, SRF, ICMR Email: biswasdipak0@gmail.com Worked on - Identification of novel plant derived inhibitors for Cyclooxygenase- 3 (COX-3) by virtual screening and evaluation of their role in prevention/therapy of Rheumatoid arthritis. Currently working at: Directorate of Health and family welfare, Government of Tripura as a Hospital Pharmacist. | |
5. | Dr. G. Sakthivel, Trainee, IBSD Summer Training Email: biswasdipak0@gmail.com Worked on - Evaluation of Poly-herbal formulation against Russell’s viper and Cobra Venom and screening of bioactive components by docking studies. Currently working at: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Mekelle Institute of Technology (MIT), Mekelle University, PO Box 1632, Ainalem, Mekelle, | |
6 | Dr. (Mrs.) Banani Das, Trainee, IBSD Summer Training Email: bananidashere@gmail.com Worked on – Evaluation of Antifertility efficacy of Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Smith and Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. on male and female Wister albino rats. Currently working at: Government Degree College, Dharmanagar, Tripura | |
7 | Dr. Arif Uddin, Trainee, IBSD Summer Training Email: arif.uddin29@gmail.com Worked on – Biochemical assay of brain tissue of animals under heavy metal/pesticide challenge. Currently working at: Department of Zoology Moinul Hoque Choudhury Memorial Science College (Assam University,Silchar), Algapur, Hailakndi-788150, Assam, India | |
8 | Dr. (Mrs.) Sylvana Salam, IBSD Summer Training Email: sylvanasalam16@gmail.com Worked on – Biochemical assay of brain tissue of animals under heavy metal/pesticide challenge. Currently working at: Department of Biotechnology, Manipur University as a guest Lecturer. | |
Mr. Vikas Sharma, IBSD Summer Training Email: vikassharma10588@gmail.com Worked on – Evaluation of Curcuma caesia Roxb. as Therapeutic Resources for Antioxidant and Cytotoxic potential on Human Cervical Cancer (Hela) Cells Currently working at: Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Raipur, Chattisgarh as an Assit. Professor |