Chingakham Brajakishor Singh
Chingakham Brajakishor Singh, Ph. D
Designation/Position: Scientist-D
Department/Programme Name: Plant Bioresources
Phone: 0385-2446122, Ext: 220(Lab) 222 (Room)
Academic Qualifications
• 1999-2004, Ph.D, Manipur University, Manipur
• 1995-1997, M.Sc Organic Chemistry, Manipur University, Manipur
• 2020-till date, Scientist-D, IBSD, Imphal
• 2014-2019, Scientist-C, IBSD, Imphal
• 2008-2014, Scientist-B, IBSD, Imphal
• 2013-2014, Visiting Fellow, National Center for Natural Product Research, University of Mississippi, USA
• 2005-2008, Research Associate, ,Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam
• 2004-2005 ,Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, Manipur University, Manipur
Awards & Fellowships
• 1995-1997: Post-graduate scholarship during M. Sc, given by Govt. of Manipur
Memberships (Professional Associations / Societies)
• Member, Food society of India, Manipur Chapter, Manipur
• Member, Phytochemical Society of Asia, Japan
• Life Member Translational Research Society of India
• Life Member, Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI), India, Member
• Member of Manipur Association for the Promotion of Science, Manipur
PhD’s Guided
• Kh. Nongalleima, (Awarded-2018), Title: "Studies on prospecting of Citrus macroptera Montruz from Manipur for therapeutic agaents" from Nagaland University, Lumami
• P. Doley, (Awarded-2017), Title: "Phytochemical investigation on anti-microbial and anti-oxidant plants used by Msing Tribe of Assam" from Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar
Specialized Training
• QIP short term course on “Advances in Drug Discovery” July 20-24,2009, Indian Institute of Technology, Gauhati, Assam
• QIP short term course on “Approaches to the screening of Bioactive Molecules from Natural Sources” July 13-17, 2009, Indian Institute of Technology, Gauhati, Assam
• National workshop on Recent “Advances in In silico Drug Design and X-ray Crystallography”, NEHU Shillongs, July 25-30, 2011
• National workshop on “Applications of NMR in chemical and Biological Sciences”, Nov.24-26, 2004 at SAIF, Shillong, Meghalaya, India.
1. Research theme photo
2. Verticals involved
Verticals A: Phytopharmamission
Verticals B: Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology and Drug Discovery
3. Research Area/Research
· Survey and Documentation of important medicinal and aromatic plants used in traditional / folklore medicines of North-East India.
- Isolation, Purification and structure elucidation of bioactive components by bio-activity guided fractionation of potent extracts of the plants used in traditional / folklore medicines of North-East region .
· Standardization of technology for the production of essential and aromatic oils from the potential plant resources of North-East India for commercialization.
4. Research Summary
A1. Investigation of Zingiber zerumbet Smith
Z. zerumbet is a monocotyledonous perennial medicinal plant belonging to Zingiberaceae family. It is commonly known as shampoo ginger. It has many different local names depending on their area of collection and vegetation. It is called as ‘Singkha’ in Manipuri. Various compounds have been reported to be isolated from Z. zerumbet and they serve a very potent and reliable drug candidate for the various diseases. They have been investigated for its prospects of effectiveness against number of activities in in vitro as well as in vivo and mechanisms that may be involved in chemo preventive measures and various pharmaceutical studies. The rhizome of Zingiber zerumbet is ginger like however flower and leaves are different.(Photo of leaves, flower and whole plant).
Fig. Full flowering stage of Zingiber zerumbet
A2. Zerumbone minimises proliferation of HeLa cancer cells by inhibition of TNF-?
There are several reports on the anti-cancer activity of zerumbone such as breast, cervical and ovarian cancer. But the investigation on the actual protein target is least concern and there are few reports on the inhibitory effect of zerumbone against specific cancer causing proteins and enzymes. This investigation is an attempt to determine the inhibitory action of zerumbone against TNF-? enzyme and its role in the suppression of cervical cancer cell proliferation (HeLa). The investigation also emphasized on the computational studies of Zerumbone as an inhibitor of TNF-? using molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and density functional theory (DFT) approaches. From the molecular docking analysis, it was observed and substantiated that the alpha-beta unsaturated carbonyl scaffold is the main driving force for its anti-cancer activity in zerumbone and inhibition of TNF-?. From the computational studies, it was concluded that the zerumbone is a potent anti-cancer compound.
B. Past Notable Research:
B1. Investigation of Croton caudatus Geisel (Euphorbeaceae):
A. Research Articles (Peer Reviewed, Only authorized publishers) – Recent First
(Last 5 years: 2020-2016)
1. Singh CB, Devi RV, Singh OJ, Surbala L. (2020), Rutaecarpine exhibits anti-diabetic potential in high fat diet multiple low dose streptozotocin induced type 2 diabetic mice and in vitro by modulating hepatic glucose homeostasis. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 143 307-314. (IF: 2.835 ).
2. Singh SP, Hussain I, Konwar BK, Deka RC, Singh CB. (2020) Design of potential IKK-?inhibitors using molecular docking and molecular dynamics techniques for their anti-cancer potential. Curr Comput Aided Drug Des. 2020 Jan 2, (IF: 1.20) https://doi.org/10.2174/1573409916666200102121505 [Accepted, Epub ahead of print, Volume & Page No. yet to be assigned]
3. Devi PP, Chipem FAS, Singh CB, Lonibala RK (2019) Complexation of 2-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-N?-[(2-hydroxyphenyl) methylene] propane hydrazide with Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Zn (II) ions. J Mol Struc, 1176 (15): 7-18. (IF: 2.12) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2018.08.070
3. Bonita LC, Devi GAS, Singh CB (2019) Physical and cooking characteristics of some lima bean cultivars grown in North East India. Res on crops, 20(2): 289-295. http://dx.doi.org/10.31830/2348-7542.2019.042
4. Chanu LV, Nongalleima K, Singh SP, Chanu WK, Singh CB, Singh OM (2019) Synthesis, anti-inflammatory evaluation and in silico studies of naphtho[1,2- e][1,3]oxazine derivatives as potential non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Med Chem Res, 29: 229-242. (IF: 1.72). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00044-019-02477-4
5. Singh SP, Nongalleima K, Singh NI, Doley P, Singh CB, Singh TR, Sahoo D (2018) Zerumbone reduces proliferation of HCT116 colon cancer cells by inhibition of TNF-alpha, Sci Rep, 8(1): 4090-4098. (IF: 4.12). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-22362-1
6. Bharali P, Das S, Ray A, Singh SP, Bora U, Konwar BK, Singh CB, Sahoo D (2018) Biocompatibility natural effect of rhamnolipids in bioremediation process on different biological systems at the site of contamination. Bioremed J, 15: 166-169, (IF: 1.09). https://doi.org/10.1080/10889868.2018.1516616
7. Singh SP, C Selvaraj, S Kumar, CB Singh, D Sahoo (2018)Competitive Inhibition of Quercetin and Apigenin at the ATP Binding siteof D-Alanine-D-Alanine Ligase of Helicobacter pylori – A Molecular Modeling Approach. Curr Biotech, 7(5): 340-348. https://doi.org/10.2174/2211550107666180612100441
8. Singh SP, Singh NI, K Nongalleima, P Doley, CB Singh, D Sahoo (2018) Molecular docking, MD simulation, DFT and ADME-toxicity study on analogs of zerumbone against IKK-? enzyme as anti-cancer agents. Net Mod Anal Health Info Bioinfo, 2018, 7: 7-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13721-018-0171-3
9. Swapana N, Takehiro T, Abdelsamed IE, Mahmoud A.A.I, Hegazy MEF, Ch. Singh CB (2018) Kaemgalangol A: Unusual seco-isopimarane diterpenoid from aromatic ginger Kaempferia galangal Fitoterapia 129: 47–53. (IF: 2.4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fitote.2018.06.010
10. Bharali P, Singh SP, Singh CB, Konwar BK(2018) Characterization and assessment of biosurfactant producing indigenous hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria: Potential application in bioremediation. Nova Biotechnol Chim, 17(2): 2018-0011. https://doi.org/10.2478/nbec-2018-0011
11. Singh KS, Roya M, Roya S, Ghosha B, Devi NM, Singh CB, (2017) Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activities of triorganotin(IV) complexes with azo-azomethine carboxylate ligands: crystal structure of a tributyltin(IV) and a trimethyltin(IV) complex. J Coord Chem, 70: 361–380 (IF-1.68). https://doi.org/10.1080/00958972.2016.1258464
12. Swapana N, Noji M, Nishiuma R, MIzumia M, Imagawa Kasaia HY, Okamoto Y, Isekia K, Singh CB, Asakawa Y, Umeyam A (2017) A New Diphenyl Ether Glycoside from Xylosma longifolium collected from North-East India. Nat Prod Comm, 12 (8): 1273-1275. (IF: 0.5). https://doi.org/10.1177/1934578X1701200832
13. Mukherjee D, Singh CB, Dey S, Mandal S, Ghosh J, Mallick S, Hussain A, Swapana N, Ross SA, Pal C (2016) Induction of apoptosis by zerumbone isolated from Zingiber zerumbet (L) Smith in protozoan parasite leishmania donovani due to oxidative stress. Braz J Infec Dis, 20: 48-55. (IF-1.5). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bjid.2015.10.002
14. Devi SP, Devi NS, Singh LJ, Devi RB, Devi WR, Singh CB, Singh RH (2016) Spectroscopic and DNA Interaction Studies on Mixed Ligand Copper(II) Complexes of Dicyanamide with ethylenediamine or 1,3-diaminopropane Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Met-Org Nano-Met Chem, 47: 123-131. https://doi.org/10.1080/15533174.2016.1158189
15. Nahakpam L, Chipem FAS, Singh CB, Laitonjam WS (2016) Diacetoxyiodobenzene assisted C–O bond formation via sequential acylation and deacylation process: synthesis of benzoxazole amides and their mechanistic study by DFT. Org Biomol Chem, 14: 8169-8170 (IF:3.559). https://doi.org/10.1039/C6OB00968A
B. Review Articles (Only authorized publishers) – Recent First
1. Singh CB, Nongalleima K, Brojendrosingh S, Ningombam S, Lokendrajit N, Singh LW (2012) Biological and chemical properties of Zingiber zerumbet Smith: a review. Phytochemistry Reviews 11 (1): 113-125. doi.org
A. Technology Transferred– Recent First
1. NA
B. Patents– Recent First
Singh CB, Filed on 15th November 2019, Title: Anti cancer composition. Application No.: 201931046626, Filing body: CIP LEGIT, Status: Under Process.
C. Books Authored– Recent First
1. NA
D. Book Chapters– Recent First
1. Nongalleima K, Singh CB (2019) Title: Curcuma angustifolia as a non-conventional source of starch and phytochemicals – A review. Book Name: Asian Zingiberales: Resume and Prospects. Publisher- M/s Bishen Singh Mahrendra Pal Singh, Dehradun-Uttarakhand. Page No. 83-92. ISBN: 9788121110068
2. Nongalleima K, Ajungla T, Singh CB (2019) Title: Morphological, phytochemical and therapeutic efficacy if Citrus macroptera Montruz, Food Bioresources and Ethnic Foods of Manipur, North East India. Book Name: Food bioresources and ethnic foods of Manipur, NorthEast India. Publisher – Empyreal Publishing House, India. Page No. 50-70.
3. Singh CB, Indrama T (2019) Title: Spirullina platensis as a Nutritional Supplements. Food Bioresources and Ethnic Foods of Manipur, North East India. Page No. 67-74.
4. Doley P, Ayum V, Singh CB (2019). Title: In vitro antioxidant evaluation of rhizomes extract and essential oil of Curcuma caesia Roxb. Book Name: Medicinal plants: Exploration, Evaluation and Utilization. Publisher- Pointer Publisher, Jaipur, India. Page No. 89-97
5. Naorem M, Doley P, Nongalleima K, Singh CB (2019). Title: In vitro antioxidant evaluation of rhizomes extract and essential oil of Curcuma caesia Roxb. Book Name: Medicinal plants : Exploration, Evaluation and Utilization. Publisher- Pointer Publisher, Jaipur, India. Page No. 104-110.
Group Members (Details):
1. |
Dr. Salam Pradeep Singh, DBT-RA Email: salampradeep@gmail.com Problem Addressing: I n vivo and computational investigation of native plants found in Manipur for its anti-cancer potential Expected Outcome: Identification of novel anti-cancer leads using in vivo and in silico tools |
2. |
Mr. Ningthoujam Indrajit Singh, IBSD Ph D-JRF
Email: nindrajitkeirao@gmail.com Problem Addressing: Anti-cancer activities of Zanthoxylum armatum
Expected Outcome: Identification of new anti-cancer leads isolated from Z. armatum |
3 |
Ms. Lhaineichong Khongsai , IBSD Ph D-JRF Email: bemkh91@gmail.com Problem Addressing: Studies on anti-diabetic properties of some medicinal plants
Expected Outcome: Identification of novel anti-diabetic candidates from medicinal plants |
4 |
Ms. Wahengbam Kabita Chanu, DBT Paroject JRF Email: kabitachanu123@gmail.com
Problem Addressing: Investigation of novel anti-malarial candidates from medicinal plants.
Expected Outcome: Anti-malarial compounds from medicinal plants
5 |
Mr. Khundrakpam Mangi Singh, MTS Outsourced Email: mangiks@gmail.com Expected Outcome: Assisting lab activities and field work |
Dr. Maibam Beebina Chanu, MTS Outsourced Email: chanu1304@gmail.com Expected Outcome: Assisting lab activities and field work |
Previous Members (Alumni)
1. |
Dr. Kh. Nongalleima, MTS Outsourced Email: nongalleima189@gmail.com Worked on- summary: Citrus macroptera Currently working at: CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat |
2 |
Dr. I. Indrama, DST Women Scientist Email: zenithindrama@gmail.com Worked on- summary: Spirullina sps Currently working at: Not Employed |
3. |
Dr.P.Doley,RA, Currently working has RA, DRDO Tezpur, Assam |
4. |
Dr. S.Sanjabihari Singh,DBT RA Currently working as Technical Assistant, JNIMS, Imphal |
A. Extramural:
a. Present:
Sl. No. |
Duration (From-To) |
Title of Project/ Grant |
PI/Co-PI |
Funding Agency |
Amount |
1 |
3 years 2019-21
Screening of Plant Extracts from North East for Identifying Phytochemicals with Potent Antimalarial Activity against Asexual, Sexual and Liver stages of Malaria Parasite |
PI: Dr. CB Singh, IBSD.
DBT New Delhi
b. Past:
Sl. No. |
Duration (From-To) |
Title of Project/ Grant |
PI/Co-PI |
Funding Agency |
Amount |
1 |
Investigating Fanconianemia pathway for sensitizing cisplatin/camptothecin resistant cancer: screening and purification of medicinal plants for sensitizing drug resistant cancer cells. |
PI: Dr. CB Singh, IBSD.
DBT-IBSD initiative
2 |
2011-July 2014 |
Therapeutic efficacy and Immunomodulatory potentials of medicinal plants available in North Eastern Himalayas and adjoining areas: Searching the novel lead molecules against two communicable diseases caused by Leishmaniadonovani and Entamoeba hislolytica |
PI: Dr. CB Singh, IBSD. University
DBT , New Delhi
3 |
2011-July 2014 |
Screening for antimicrobial peptides and bio-active molecules from microbial diversity of forest ecosystem of NE-India: A novel approach for development of antibiotics against Multi drug resistance diseases |
Co-PI: Dr. CB Singh, IBSD.
DBT , New Delhi
4 |
2009-2013 |
Identification of location specific ginger and turmeric varieties, quality planting material production, insect-pest and disease management, chemical profiling and development of value added products”NEIST Jorhat , Central agricultural university Imphal and IBSD Imphal. |
Asst.Co-ordinator and PI: Dr. CB Singh, IBSD.
DBT , New Delhi
5 |
2009-2013 |
Prospecting of Zingiber zerumbet for molecular resources” a network project IBSD Imphal with RGCB,Kerala. |
Co PI: Dr. CB Singh, IBSD.
DBT , New Delhi
(i) Task Force Member and Joint Co-ordinator for Conservation of Parkia (yongchak) in Manipur & NE India (A Task force formed with members from the following institution
(a) CAU, Imphal (b) Dept.of Horticulture, Govt.of Manipur (c) ICAR, Imphal (d) Manipur University (e) RIMS (f) CSIR-NEIST branch
(ii) Advisory Member for multi Research Unit at Regional Institute of Medical science (RIMS) Imphal under Ministry of Health & family welfare, Govt.of India, New Delhi since 2017.
(iii) Training of farmers/Enterprenuers